December 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: German American Club
Members present: 74 Official Count
Visitor and Guests are welcome and numerous
Door Prizes from Ankers Auto, Bavarian Auto Works, German Auto Parts & South Albany BMW among others.
Give-a-ways – Hats, flashlights, shirts, accessories.
Special Brick Auction – X6 App-controlled Toy
Menu: Beef Stroganoff, Chicken and Cream, Roasted Vegetables, Green leaf salad, bread and butter.
First, the Happy Hour of Bavarian Beer, Wine, …
Date: December 14, 2016
Amidst holiday décor and projected slides of this past year’s events President Brian Bailey opened the Winter Event Meeting once we all had a chance to greet and eat. Thanks and appreciation was given to that made things happen this past year: Bob Martin for organizing 5 driving schools this past year, Tony V. for the Halfmoon as well as the Halfmoon transition to the paperless format, thanks to Frank Grepo and others for a successful yet rainy Vintage at Saratoga, thanks to Secretary Bill and treasurer Gwen V. ($2,700 to charity), Scott Gold for the Webpage and more thanks to Frank for VP-ing.
Brian led the raffle drawing and awarded Bavarian Auto gift certificates to Eileen McLaughlin and Christian VanDeinse, South Albany BMW certificates went to Nick Turner and Kathy Obst, Ankers Auto Service certificates went to John Obst and Wayne Bunn and certificates for German Auto Parts were awarded to Bill Dosch and Rafi Topalian. The big prize for a day at driving school went to EJ Smith and he graciously plans to offer it to a new comer to the track scene. Many more folks were recognized for their new cars, old cars, length of membership and traffic violations and sent to the grab-bag table for their rewards. Ron Bass drove the bids for the X6 all the way up to $100, 2/3 of the way to dedicating a brick at the BMW Foundation building, so the Vintage fund made up the $50 difference.
Secretary Bill Dosch raised the motion to accept the officers as nominated to their uncontested offices: Brian Bailey for President, David Izzo for Vice President, Shaina Bass for Treasurer and Everett Mayhew for Secretary. Tony Varengia seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The Holiday crowd congratulated the new officers. Likewise, the budget as proposed in the event schedule was moved to a vote by Ron Bass and seconded by Scott Stowell, unanimously passed. Meeting was closed and declared a success by President Bailey.
November 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: German American Club
Members present: 30
Menu: Bratwurst
Date: November 9, 2016
Final discussions for next month’s meeting at which will conduct our elections along with the usual end of year Holiday festivities. The full slate of present officers was present and the new slate was lined up and confirmed. Not much more to add other than I will be handing the pencil and pad over to Everett Mayhew next year so we may see more creativity in future minutes – I certainly hope so.
October 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: Bul Auto Sales, Colonie
Members present: 30
Visitor: Steve Roth from Pennsylvania, Nittany Lyons BMW-CCA.
Menu: Sandwiches and chips in the Sales Rm.
Date: October 12, 2016
Newly opened Bul Auto Sales sponsored our monthly meeting/dinner/shop tour. They have a brand new high end showroom, clean well equipped service area and some great ideas for tuning up your BMW. One of them, walnut shell blasting of intake ports, was demonstrated in the shop to many ooh’s and ahh’s.
Brian reminded all that Beardslee Castle dinner run was coming up soon, so sign up. Also, Palmer Raceway driving school this weekend, and Street Survival on November 6 – we need volunteers because it is growing more and more popular. Half Moon is on the web site and print versions are going out in 1.5 weeks. This is the last of the print mailings remember… If you want regular mailing, log into CCA and select it in your preferences. We are also looking for nominations to all officer slots and 2 board slots. A post-meeting BOD meeting was held at Bul while the faithful investigated the Ferrari and Masserati.
September 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: German American Club
Members present: 31
Menu: Schweineschnitzel
Date: September 14, 2016
Meeting open per President Bailey, welcome to new members Susan (235i and track rides) and Laura (328i convertible and a school bus). Another welcome back to all the Centennial Octoberfesters after their cross-country pilgrimage; Grepos and Varrengias. The Treasurer says we are solvent and the Driving School reports a fantastic driver turnout at the school and the Show and Shine at LRP with only 1 glitch not worth mentioning. Palmer Speedway comes up on Oct. 16-17 – register through Connecticut Valley. The Half Moon is at the printers and will have 7500 miles of Octoberfest stories – and remember that this is the LAST print version that will go out to all members unless you have specified otherwise with your CCA profile settings. Webmeister Scott has nothing new to report except his own garage projects. New cars in the fray include Susan’s 235i, Scott and Bev’s 2002 325xit, Brian’s Brown L7 and Sarah Gold’s 328xi E90.
Show and Shines were a success this year and the club will try to build even more interest in the next round of S and Ss.
We want to hold elections earlier than the usual Jan/Feb meetings, so this year we hope to have everything in place for elections at the Holiday Meeting in December. Both the Vice President and the Treasurer will be retiring their posts at the end of this term. We are looking for nominations, so send in your choices before November 18. Nomination instructions will be PEWAS-ed by the President soon. The October meeting will be held at Bull Auto Sales’ new facility on Central Avenue.
August 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: Guptils Coney Island Express
Members present: 60+++
Menu: Dessert Only
Date: August 10, 2016 6:00PM
Every year the August meeting proves that Patrooners know how to celebrate a successful Summer showing up en-masse at Guptils Coney Express for the annual Ice Cream Social. This year again Patroon Pilgrims gathered at Guptils to reinforce the connection between ultimate driving and dairy excellence. Not much official business followed Brian Bailey’s opening remarks at Guptils this year, but thanks to the warm weather, a large number of open top BMW’s were waiting in the lot and stimulated some serious enthusiasm from the members.
July 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: German Auto Parts, Clifton Park
Members present: 27
First-Timers: Welcome Laurel Hayes – ‘98 328ic and Allen – Alpina B7.
Menu: Sandwich Buffet in the Board Rm.
Date: July 13, 2016 6:00PM
The July meeting was held on the road at our local specialty parts supplier, German Auto Parts of Clifton Park. Their operation has expanded somewhat since our last visit. They have a little more to show in their showroom and they will get you anything you need for your BMW or one of those other German cars. We thank Mark and the folks at German Auto Parts for opening their doors to us and offering their hospitality.
President Bailey welcomed all to GAP and summarized our schedule of upcoming events. He also reported tremendous progress by The Board on our bylaws. Gwen V offered up the Treasurers report in the new format with a cursory view of our position following our Saratoga vintage event, and the budget was formally accepted. More seconds at the buffet and then came a recap of this past month’s schools and Vintage at Saratoga.
Frank reported the most successful Vintage at Saratoga ever. More than 100 cars registered and many more came to drool. An entire lawn section was devoted to the growing 2002 fleet. Sharks and sedans of the E9, E24, E21, E31, E12, E28 and E3 ilk interrupted long lines of well-preserved E30’s. A perfectly pleasant morning broke into an afternoon drizzle enhanced the shine of everyone’s wax job but encouraged many to check out the silent auction and the Sam Posey exhibit in the museum. A very successful auction gave us $2,700 to donate to Street Survival. What a wonderful day.
Driving School reported available opening for the upcoming Calabogie Driving School iin 3 days still hoping to continue this year’s success that started at Watkins Glen and Lime Rock events last month.
The Halfmoon report from Tony V. was followed with a tip of the hat to the Webmeister Scott Gold and an appreciation tour of the German Auto Parts warehouse.
June 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: German American Club, Cherry Ave., Albany
Members present: 26
Menu: schweineschnitzel and BBeans.
Date: June 8, 2016 6:00PM
Meeting is brought to order by President Brian Bailey (BB) following 30 minutes of BMW discussion at the social period.
Treasurer Gwen reports $7200 in the operating account, looking forward to an $800 rebate for deposit.
Driving School: Great month of driving school with our Lime Rock Park school and our 2 days at Watkins Glen were well attended and with barely a hitch. The new paving at WG was great, very grippy and regrading gives a flat run to the Bus stop. Volunteers get cash they can use toward driving school or anything else. Next to come are Calabogie and Palmer, check the site at .
Halfmoon: Deadline is June 24 and remember that the newsletter goes electronic January 2017. If you prefer to have your newsletter in print instead of online? Update your settings:
1. Sign in to the National CCA site.
2. Select “US Mail (print copy)” under the heading Receive Chapter Newsletter via to have future newsletters mailed to you.
Applause: Scott Stowell distributed new membership brochures that are great for leaving under wiper blades or for handouts to enthusiasts that might appreciate our club. Keep in mind that you get a 5 dollar CCA Bucks for each referral. Scott is recognized as the club’s chief advocate for membership and has been campaigning for the club on his own at every chance possible.
Events: Show and Shine 1 for 2016 will be at South Albany BMW on Saturday June 18 from10 to 2. This will be an informal gathering of members and there drives. Bring your wheels or just the family. Vintage at Saratoga is coming up (July 8-10) and there are already 72 cars registered. Sponsors include South Albany BMW, Bavarian Rocket Scientist, Odometer Gears, … curiously missing the other BMW dealership.
Next month’s meeting will be held at German Auto Parts.
May 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Special Location: New country Porsche
Meal: Colonel Sanders buckets and trays on the house.
Members present: 34
New Members: Kyle (’13 550) and Francis (’08 M6)
Date: May 9, 2016 6:00PM
President Brian Bailey (BB) opened the meeting thanking our Porsche friends for bringing their entire stock of BMW trade-in, repair and mechanic’s vehicles to the front of the dealership and outside the showroom, making the BMW faithful feel at home.
Down to business: treasurer Gwen reports $7300 in the operating account and next month is the annual budget meeting.
Driving School: EJ is looking for interest for volunteers at the upcoming Watkins Glen School – June 6 and 7. Volunteers get cash they can use toward driving school or anything else.
Halfmoon deadline is June 24 and remember that the newsletter goes electronic January 2017. If you prefer the hardcopy sent to you, visit the CCA national site and register for getting a hard copy.
BB: The board will be meeting soon to wrap up the Patroon Operating Manual, and the next meeting will be at the German American Club on June 8, regular time; 6:30 social 7 eats.
April 2016 Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Location: German-American Club
Meal: Chicken Cord. Bleu, salad and Dessert
Members present: 28
Date: April 13, 2014, 6:30PM
• President Bailey opened the meeting introducing new member Kirt Braketti a shop foreman at Keeler – drives a 1990 325i E30 and also favors old SAABs.
• Treasurer Gwen reports a balance north of $11,000 including $3,000 from Bridgstone for naming privileges at the October driving school. She reports that our insurance company wants to know about specific events 30 days in advance. This may prove to be difficult for some of our spontaneous, whimsical events.
• Driving School – Watkins Glenn has a reworked Bus Stop turn and Turn 8 is fixed. Check the web-site for a very, very busy driving school schedule this year.
• Halfmoon is in the mail. Deadline for the third quarterly edition is June 24. Forward your literary and advertising contributions to Tony B. After the fourth quarter we will be switching to electronic only. If you want a paper edition, you need to get online and register your preference.
• Webmeister Scott Gold says the driving school schedule is posted and pointed out that the classified ads have not been used by many members that are not named Andy. We find that many of our member emails are not accurate. Folks can let national know their new email addresses or we can hunt down the missing members.
• Brian threw out a few trivia questions and announced that our next meeting will be held at New Country Porsche on 146E on May 11. See you all there.
Annual Service Bay Meeting Minutes:
Date: March 9, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM at the showroom
Headcount: 33 with more trickling in
Location: Cap-City South Albany BMW
Meal: Pizza, Hot wings, Beverages
MC: Brian Bailey (BB)
New members: Jacob, Steve and Bob; 330i, Civic and 318ti respectively
Call to order at 6:55 by BB. Welcome new and old members. Treasurer’s report must wait till next month. Drivers school per Bob: 2016 scheduled is right on track – see HDPE below. Quarterly Halfmoon (One Eighth Moon) will go out in one month with contributions due 3/16. No web site update this month – check the website for updates. Heading out to the service bays to check on 7 series and on the way to put finger prints on the i8 and M4 in the showroom. Next meeting will be at the German American club. Notable calendar items are below – brought to you by Scott Stowell. (check for an upcoming Drive and Dine).
April 13 April Membership Mtg.
April 16 – Cars and Coffee at SAM
April 23 – Street Survival at SAM Along with HS Classic Car Show
May 1 – Flyers Club and Brunch
May 11 – May Membership Mtg.
May 14 – Spring invitational at SAM
May 21 – Lime Rock Park HDPE
June 6 – Watkins Glen HDPE
June 18 – Show and Shine
July 8 to July 10 – Vintage at Saratoga
July 15 – July 17 – Calabogie HDPE
September 10 – Lime Rock Park HDPE and Show and Shine 2
October 15-16 Palmer Motorsports HDPE
October 30 – Beardslee Castle Drive and Dine
Annual Pinewood Meeting Minutes:
Date: February 10, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German American Club
Meal: Chicken Cordon Bleu & Beef
Salad, Choco-Muffin Desert & Coffee
MC: Brian Bailey (BB)
New member Ralph Cohn/ 328xi
Brian, Tom and Scott and early risers busily set the track up during the meet and greet time and started registering this year’s competitors. Many old faces and old wheels were on the grid for the Annual Pinewood Derby meeting
BB offered a warm welcome to all present, but possibly due to the weather or possibly the threatening competition, neither the Treasurer nor the Web-meister was available to give their encouraging reports. The Quarterly Half-Moon (Quarter-Moon?) was sent out to members this past week so if it did not show up in your mailbox let Tony know and check it out on-line.
The Driving School report from Bruce – the committee met on January 23rd to discuss more standardization for driving schools, adding more tracks and refining work schedules and attracting more people. Special focus track days bring in more potential members, s.a. “Mustang Day” or such. Full attendance at schools always translates to better schools.
The annual Snow Shoe & Stew kept up its tradition of being cancelled for lack of the white stuff, however Scott and Bev say to stay tuned to the PEWAS and web site because it will be rescheduled at a moment’s notice when the blizzard strikes. Scott also reports that the next meeting will be held at South Albany BMW (formerly Capital Cities).
The slate of officers was read by the Secretary: Brian Bailey for President, Frank Grepo for Vice P., Gwen Verrengia as Treasurer and Bill Dosch Secretary. Board of Trustee changes replace DJ and Kate with Dave Perez and Shaina Bass. The motion to accept was made by the most honorable of the fray, and seconded by the most sincere, Scott. None opposed. There was minor discussion about the EPA trying to set restrictions on all vehicles, but by then everyone was headed to the Pinewood Derby track and the gentlemen started their engines.
First Mtg. of 2016 Meeting Minutes
Date: January 13, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German American Club
Meal: Goulash and Salad
Chicken and Red Kraut
Desert & Coffee
MC: Brian Bailey (BB)
New member Jerry Thompson, 525 xdrive
Nurbergring open-track day crashes showing on the screen during Happy Hour.
Brian opened the meeting summarizing the great Holiday party, a good ending to a great year. He quickly reported on the Board of Directorrs recent efforts to update the by-laws and establish a more formal budget process.
Treasurer’s report – We closed 2015 with $5800 balance in the account. We now stand at $7,300 with newsletter advertising recieved.
Driving Schools for 2015 included exciting variety with the Palmer snow event and the Spring Lime Rock paddock repaving, but things got back on track with the Fall events at Watkins and Lime Rock. This year, plan on Lime rock May 21, a Saturday, days at Calabogie in July 15, Lime Rock Park again in September, Palmer in October. If you are not driving, plan to volunteer for sign-in, grid work or tech check. Volunteer for credits at future school days.
Halfmoon Report – Deadlines are by Friday this week as it goes to the printers next week. Next year we will be going to the digital format to see a $4,000 annual savings. We also go to 4 issues a year from our current 6.
Frank Greppo reports that Registration for Vintage at Saratoga opens on January 14, 2016 for early birds. Vintage 2016 runs from July 8th to the 10th . and will be held concurrently with a Sam Posey exhibit.
Snow Shoe and Stew is planned for January 24 weather permitting. So far, Summer conditions prevail. Follow the scheduling on Facebook Patroon BMW.
Meanwhile, take a complimentary Pinewood Derby kit and have it ready to race at our next meeting February 10, 2016.
General Meeting Minutes:
Date: November 11, 2015
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German American Club
Meal: Chicken Cordon Bleu & Beef
Salad, Desert & Coffee
28 Patroon members in Attendance
MC: Brian Bailey (BB)
New member Dave Zale (White/red 2011 335isc)
BB offered a warm welcome to all present – First thing, send your RSVPs for the holiday party. There will be fabulous gifts and give-a-ways. $22 for members, $25 for non-members.
The latest word from National is that Patroon membership is down by 5%, but enthusiasm is unswayed.
Treasurer’’s report: $8662 and change in the account presently and we just donated $2500 to the Foundation.
Driving School for 2016: Lime Rock Park in April, 2 days in Watkins Glenn on the neww track, 3 days in Calabogie in July and a return to Lime Rock in September and in October we will be returning to the new track (for us) at Palmer. This Fall outing at Palmer was a unique opportunity to drive in a snow fall. R-compound tires were of little benefit at those temperatures. On another drikving note, the driving school will have a new site in the Spring.
Tony V. says the Halfmoon is in the mail and also available on-line. Please check out the on-line version by linking to it from our web site. Only 4 more printed issues before we change over to the electronic format. Only 26 people have visited the site so far. We need more input on what you think about it. Also, check out the site for details about being a club officer or board member. If interested, send (Tony) an email.
The haunted Beardslee outing was enjoyed by the 24 club members attending. The next club event is the Holiday dinner on December 9. At that time expect an announcement for a Pinewood Derby night coincident with our February meeting.
Minutes: July 2015 Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: On Location at Kate & Brian’s
Date: July 8, 2015
Meal: Pizza & Wings Delivered
Kate’s Homemade Cookies
22 Patroon members in Attendance
MC: Brian Bailey
Traveling to Kate and Brian’s was a driving adventure for most attending. The Bailey Grounds are atop the Helderberg rise from New Salem on NY85. The drive was beautiful whether coming through John Boyd Thatcher Park or winding through the villages to the east and the view was spectacular from the Bailey Backyard overlooking the all that grew out of the Glacial Lake Albany. The business portion of the meeting was delayed somewhat at everyone roamed around to check out the car lift, the wine cellar, the “shedage”, the flat screen TV’s in every room playing (including the huge megatron in the billiard room) and the gourmet kitchen. We almost started the meeting when Everett broke out his bagpipe and serenaded all present with some Scottish tunes. Eventually we briefly discussed business. Events coming up include Vintage at Saratoga (60 pre-registered so far), the August meeting is the Guptils ice cream madness meeting and there will be 2 more Show and Shines. September 12 Show and Shine will be held at Lime Rock during the driving school and the final will be in Utica. Half Moon deadline is July 24 and the issue will be sent 2 weeks later and the issues will go fully electronic late 2016. New cars to old members include Eileen McLaughlin’s white 335is. See you all at Guptils August 12.
Minutes: June 2015 Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German American Club
Date: Wednesday June 10, 2015
Meal: Chicken, Beef Strog., salad
30 Patroon members in Attendance
MC: Brian Bailey
Brian welcomes new member Steve Ornslien ( E28 and E24) to his first meeting. Treasurer Gwen reports a balance at this moment of $7,897 with bills yet to be paid. Driving school at Watkins Glenn went well with 23 students. The weather kept the track wet but there were no incidents. Future events are scheduled for Palmer Mass on 10/17-18 and the Calabogie in Canada will be held July 17-19, 3 days of driving; school and club racing.
Half moon will be going quarterly soon, deadline for submittals is June 26. A short discussion took place considering the benefits of going quarterly, but Everett and Bill D. put in a vote for staying monthly. Mailing costs are weighed against the benefits of frequent notifications. Quarterly wins.
Fathers Day Drive and Dine is cancelled due to lack of interest but the Show and Shines are on. First event is scheduled 6/27 at Cap Cities. Only 1 month until Vintage at Saratoga. There are 3 sponsors yet: Bavauto, Bavarian Rocket Scientist and Cap Cities. We are still looking for volunteers and auction items.
Early notice is announced for a 2016 Cross Country BMW road trip to Monterey. 20 vintage cars are already signed up, leaving 10/10/2016 passing through Denver and arriving on the 17th. The next meeting will be at Brian and Kate Bailey’s new place. Look for the Pewas and RSVP.
Minutes: May 2015 Service Bay Meeting at Capital Cities BMW
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Capital Cities BMW
Date: Wednesday May 13, 2015
Meal: Pizza and Pop, Hot wings and Salad
24 Patroon members in Attendance
New members Cindy and Tony from W. Virginia
MC: Frank Greppo
Cap Cities is under construction so we all entered through the south façade and met in the Mezzanine for dinner and the monthly recap prior to heading to the service bays to check out the new 4 and 2 series.
Quick business from VP Greppo before the Half Moon and Treasurer’s report. From here on Half Moon is going to a quarterly format and the next issue will be in July – deadline is June 24 for articles and advertisements. Treasurer reports $7,929 in the operating account but still about $1,000 in new invoices for printing expenses. Webmeister Scott Gold reported the website has been renewed for another year.
Bruce K . reported a good turnout to the Lime Rock Park driving school of 20 students, 19 guys and 1 woman. There were no mishaps thanks to the sharp eyes of the ever observant flagmen that pulled Bill’s ‘ti off the track before his strut failed (sigh of relief). Bruce warns – under torqueing leads to loose fasteners, over-torqueing leads to tensile failure. Either way you could lose your nuts. The Saratoga Auto Museum is interested in coordinating the next Street Survival in the SPAC parking lot this coming Fall. Stay tuned.
Upcoming events were read off by Scott Stowell and can be found on the web pages but don’t miss the June 27 Show and Shine and the Vintage at Saratoga July 10th to the 12th. Also, early warning; BMW CCA Octoberfest which is coming east this September 21 to 27 to Absecon, NJ. Now, everyone to the service bays and check out the under carriages.
Thanks to Cap Cities for sponsoring us this night and showing off their service bays.
Minutes: April 2015 Service Bay Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: R&D Automotive, AKA Bavarian Rocket Science
Date: Wednesday April 8, 2015
Meal: Bratwurst, Kraut and Beer
Big turnout – member count 35 and more
MC: Brian Bailey and Scott
This month we met at a Downtown Albany repair shop that specializes in German marques including BMW. Service Bays were open for perusing: 14 Porsches, 1 BMW, an Audi engine on the stand, No.12 Bathtub speedster, a 1980’s calendar and lots of atmosphere. Thanks to Rick and Tom for inviting us and providing the dinner spread.
The business meeting went fast so we could talk more about the cars around us. A summary of upcoming events like Lime Rock Park driving school in May and Octoberfest in New Jersey – registration is open 4/20. Also, Flyers Club is this coming Sunday; Exit 12 at 10:30. Our first of three Show and Shines will be at Cap Cities June 27. Welcome new member Michael Johnson and his 2006 330xi.
Minutes: March 2015 Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM – Greetings in the bar,
7:00 dinner/meeting
Location: German-American Club
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2015
Meal: Corned Beef & Cabbage, Irish Soda Bread, Stuffed Chicken, Potato, Salad & Dessert
23 Patroon members in Attendance
MC: New President Brian Bailey
New Treasurer Gwen Verrengia’s Report (with thanks to Bill Burkhardt): Balance of $7200 with no outstanding bills or new checks written.
EJ’s Driving School report: Lime Rock Park on May 9, Watkins will be the last run before track resurfacing – June 8 and 9, Calabogie this year will include a day of club racing – July 17, 18 and 19th.
Tony V. – Half moon articles are due on April 24 for the Quarterly publication. Advertizers are needed. Encourage your business friends.
Brian B. with News – The Board of Directors is wading through the Operating Manual for updating. Getting ready for Spring driving? Brian’s recommendations: Car wash and consider detailing at Hoffmans to clean rugs and grime, etc… Bruce K adds “Change your wiper blades – not the whole thing, and air filter” . Get an alignment to save your tires. Switch to your 3 season tires. Also check that your radiator hose is “squeezable” or change it along with the hose clamps, oil change and check your rotors.
The next meeting will be 6:30, April 8 at the Bavarian Rocket Scientist at 16 Tivoli St. in Albany.
Minutes: February 2015 Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM –Meet and Greet,
7:00 dinner/meeting
Location: German-American Club
Date: Wednesday February 11, 2015
Meal: Chicken, Beef, Spätzle, Red Sauer Kraut, Salad & Dessert
18 Patroon members in Attendance
MC: Scott Stowell
Scott Stowell opened the meeting after Everett Mayhew philosophized about bagpipes and BMWs, and quickly shifted to the Treasurer’s report. The month opened with $7,600 in the account and ended with $8,600. Current balance is $8,300 with street survival balance to be considered.
Scott Stowell opened the meeting after Everett Mayhew philosophized about bagpipes and BMWs, and quickly shifted to the Treasurer’s report. The month opened with $7,600 in the account and ended with $8,600. Current balance is $8,300 with street survival balance to be considered.
Tony says the Halfmoon is in the mail and it will be the last one before we shift to a quarterly publication format. You can view the digital version on the Patroon website and also at along with many other enthusiast publications. Check them out and send Tony Verrengia your input. Also we need advertisers, Carbone has signed up for the next year; last year they sponsored our successful Show and Shine in Utica.
Tony says the Halfmoon is in the mail and it will be the last one before we shift to a quarterly publication format. You can view the digital version on the Patroon website and also at along with many other enthusiast publications. Check them out and send Tony Verrengia your input. Also we need advertisers, Carbone has signed up for the next year; last year they sponsored our successful Show and Shine in Utica.
E.J.s Driving Report: Five Driving events for next season: May at Lime Rock Park, then Watkins Glenn 2 day, A joint event with the Connecticut Chapter (at Palmer), Calabogie 3 day in Canada, Lime rock again in the Fall. Street survival will be held September 19 but the location is yet to be determined since we lost Fortitech. DJ says to check the schedule out on line and registration is open – Drive all five.
E.J.s Driving Report: Five Driving events for next season: May at Lime Rock Park, then Watkins Glenn 2 day, A joint event with the Connecticut Chapter (at Palmer), Calabogie 3 day in Canada, Lime rock again in the Fall. Street survival will be held September 19th but the location is yet to be determined since we lost Fortitech. DJ says to check the schedule out on line and registration is open – Drive all five.
New Officers for 2015: President – Brian Bailey, Vice President – Frank Greppo, Treasurer – Gwen Verengia, Secretary – Bill Dosch, Board of Directors 1 – Scott Gold, Board of Directors 2 (Last2 years to fill vacancy from Frank Greppo) – Tony Verrengia. A vote was cast by Bill Dosch, seconded by Bruce Kosakoski and the vote passed.
New Officers for 2015: President – Brian Bailey, Vice President – Frank Greppo, Treasurer – Gwen Verengia, Secretary – Bill Dosch, Board of Directors 1 – Scott Gold, Board of Directors 2 (Last2 years to fill vacancy from Frank Greppo) – Tony Verrengia. A vote was cast by Bill Dosch, seconded by Bruce Kosakoski and the vote passed.
Minutes: January 2015 Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM –Meet and Greet,
7:00 dinner/meeting
Location: German-American Club
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2015
Meal: Chicken & Pork, Salad & Dessert
25 BMW Enthusiasts in Attendance
MC: Scott Stowell
President Scott opened the meeting and deferred to the Treasurer for the current report: Balance on 12/1 was $8900, now approx. $7600 minus the accounting for the recent street survival.
Newsletter: Toni reports that the Halfmoon will be out 3rd week of January and the new format will be a Quarterly publication. We are looking for sponsors and advertisers.
DJ reports that Driving Schools will be at Lime Rock Park on May 9 and October 19th. Watkins Glen 2 day school will be on June 8 and 9. Put one on your calendar. Calabogie school and club races are scheduled for July 17 through 19, 2015. E.J. reports the possibility of a track day at Palmer Mass.
Frank informed us that Vintage at Saratoga is in the same slot for June 10 weekend, and Scott Gold reported that there are no new developments with the web site.
2 Board of Director meetings have been held on 12/16/2014 and 1/11/2015 and plans are in order for reviewing the Operating Manual. They will meet again later in the week. Quarterly Meetings will be scheduled.
No new Members but first meeting for Marty and Paula Finkle; Bimmer and Beemer fanatics.
A new Car for Brian, a 323i red sedan w/5 speed and 160K. Pending informal non-motor events coming up are the annual snowshoe blowout pending adequate snowfall and the Union vs. Yale hockey rivalry. Get all the details for these and more Patroon Chapter events from the Halfmoon and the Patroon web site.
Holiday Meeting Minutes
Time: 6:30 PM –Meet and Greet,
7:00 dinner –
Location: German-American Club
Attended by 60 Wassailers that braved the storm and 10 inches of fresh snow
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2014
Meal: Chicken, Beef, Pork
…with Garden Salad
MC: Brian Bailey
Not much business to be taken care of at the Holiday Meeting. Once the raffle tickets and holiday gifts were distributed by the Verrengias and the Greppos, VP Brian Bailey led the way to thanking everyone for a successful, busy, exciting year at Patroon CCA. Thanks to all business sponsors; Bavarian Autosport, Ankers Auto Service, German Auto Parts, Cap City. More thanks to the officers, directors and board members. Next year’s resolutions: Halfmoon and Board of Governor’s meetings are going quarterly.
Brief Minutes: November Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM –Meet and Greet,
7:00 dinner/meetiing
Location: German-American Club
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2014
Meal: Chicken and Beef
With Garden Salad
MC: Brian Bailey
A small crowd listened to a summary of the big events Patrooners participated in since our October meeting. Coming off the Bavauto Show and Shine, a contingent geared up for meeting our southern neighbors at the Poughkeepsie Picnic. The last of the Patroon Driving schools took place at Watkins Glen, then we got dressed up for the Halloween Drive and Dine to Beardsley Castle (beautiful twisty route riding the ride north of the Mohawk River)
Announcements were made to provide a heads up for our final event, the Holiday meeting on December 10. Following this all VIPs gave their reports; advances with the web from Webmeister Scott Gold, Treasurer’s report from Bill B. and Driving School report of a very successful season from DJ and Bruce. Vice President Bailey wrapped it all up – till we meet again at the Holiday Party.
Minutes: Octobeer Fest Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM – beer, 7:00 dinner/meetiing
Location: German-American Club
Small Crowd of Enthusiasts present
Meal: Sauer Braten – Kraut and chicken
With Garden Salad
Date: October 10, 2014
Visiting Service Dog: Pasta
President Scott Stowell opened the meeting. Two new club cars announced are an X5 and X6M but I could not see who the proud owners were. Andy Maier announced that an acquaintance is parting with a inoperable but complete 320 E21 for $200, he can give you more information. Treasurer’s report from Bill B.: $8,800 balance at the end of September including the recent reimbursement from national. The holiday party is closing in and a budget needs to be developed to settle on fees and a budget. The president is looking for volunteers interested in joining the holiday committee.
Driving school report: Lime Rock driving school was held on a rainy Saturday but classes were full. 19 students participated in the Street Survival class that was held the day after the SCCA autocross. These are the last events before Fortitech closed its gates to both activities indefinitely. This event was filled 2 months in advance, so demand is still growing. Students came from outside the club area including Syracuse. Volunteers are needed to instruct and just help out at future events and we will try hard to get them scheduled early with plenty of notice.
Halfmoon articles for the next issue are due to Tony V. by October 25th. Next year the publication will go to a quarterly format in hopes of saving $2500 in annual mailing costs. Online issues are available and members can waive the mailing privilege if they choose to opt for the online version only. Webmeister Scott Gold reports that our domain name is up for renewal and PEWAS will be back soon.
The third chapter of the Show and Shine in Utica was another success; windy but great weather. The Stowells found a winding route to from Albany to Carbone and fun was had by all. Thanks to the Carbonne Group. Roger Benson gets the special recognition of making it to all 3 stops of the Show and Shine tour this summer. The Bavarian Autosport Show and Shine was another great event and had a lot of club raffle winners; Bev, Scott, Brian, Nick and Lawrence.
Coming up is the Pound Ridge Picnic south of Poughkeepsie, and the Beardsleyy Castle Drive and Dine is coming up on 10/26. Meet at 2:30 at Jumping Jacks as usual for a caravan to Beardsley. The next meeting is November 12 at the German American Club.
Minutes: September Membership Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
Scott Stowell presiding –
New member Clancy Lawrence introduced himself and his new 535i. New vehicles out there include Bruce K’s Chrysler 200 reportedly with 300 HP of autocross potential, Kate’s new 328d and somebody else’s 740iL sport. The Treasurer, Bill, reported a $7,700 operating account. EJ driving school report: the October 4 Lime Rock date is sold out with a small waiting list and we are looking for volunteers. Also we need volunteers for the Street Survival on 9/20 at Fortitech (the SCCA will use the facility on the 21st for an Autocross. Street survival instructors are needed so prequalify yourself by taking the on-line course – see the SCCA web site.
Pougheepsie Show and Shine was a hit. Ten signed up but 50 showed, and shined and resulted in 5 new members. The next and final stop of the S & S Tour is Utica on the 20th. Bruce gave a driving school plea for more folks to get involved – and be rewarded with track time. Fun events coming up: October Fast in Vermont, Hunter Mt. German Fest, Bavarian Auto Show and Shine and an early warning for the annual Beardsly Castle Trip on October 26. No Questions so we are adjourned.
Minutes: July Meeting
Minutes: June Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
Small but sincere group of about 20 Members present
Meal: Very German meat, Salad, coffee -pie
Date: June 11, 2014
Before the meeting started, Chris Thorsen introduced us all to Echo the Service Dog -in-training. Echo spends his days at a maximum security prison being trained by inmates and gets a glimpse of real life on occasion by attending Patroon meetings.
New cars this month include Bev Stowell’s 335i sport; her first BMW made this century. Also, new member Nick’s Mini-S and Tom Burton’s replacement 5 series, a 2008 528xi.
The Treasurer reported roughly $6200 in the account when pending bills are paid. The 2 day driving school, per EJwent well after an initial low turnout, a foggy morning and several pit gremlins. The only damage occurred when an E36 M3 backed into the wall. Everett testified that the Novice driving experience was a comfortable delight. The instruction was very low key and encouraging. So far there are only a few cars registered for the 3 day Calaboogie event, July 18 to 20. TonyV said the next Halfmoon deadline is June 27. So far, there is only positive input regarding the new format. More changes are coming. Scott Gold reportedthat the web site is up to date and includes the tour of Show and Shine dates. President Scott reports that the membership list now has 820 entries. The increasing numbers cannot be attributed to the Street Survival though because the last event was not a BMWCCA event. The inaugural Show and Shine is on the 14th and clear weather was ordered up by Yvonne V.
Upcoming regional events include the Lars Anderson Father’s Day Show and Shine, the Genesee Valley’s 6 Hours at the Glen BMW Coral and the upcoming July 9 meeting to be held at the dealership in Poughkeepsie, starts at 6. Frank reminded the members that Vintage in Saratoga weekend begins on July 11 and already 25 cars have been preregistered and registration for Friday’s dinner is separate. Check it out at the Saratoga Auto Museum web site. The Mustang exhibit has started at the SAM and your show registration includes a day pass at SAM.
Minutes: May Meeting
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Capital City Imported Cars at Glenmont
30 Members present
Meal: Pizzas w/all imaginable toppings, Buffalo Wings & Beverages
Date: May 14, 2014
The annual Cap City tech session meeting began, as usual, at the mezzanine level overlooking the showroom. Members meandered through the maze of classic and new BMWs in the Cap City parking lot on their way to the meeting; E-3, E-30, E-36, E46, F’s and beyond. A new Valencia orange X1 was in the showroom.
President Stowell opened the meeting promising to be quick with business and move us into the service bays to check out the new 2 and 4 series BMWs.
Performance Driving School update was delivered by Bruce K. Drivers had a damp start at Lime Rock Park but it cleared up and warmed for a wonderful event – no incidents. The heavens opened up as the last driver left the track. Join us at Watkins Glenn June 9th and 10th for a 2 day driving school.
Street Survival is planned for 5/31 at Fortitech. Classes are filled but volunteers are needed for cone setters and teachers.
The Show and Shine Tour was formally announced: 3 dates have been set and the first is at Thatcher Park, June 14 at the Glenn Doone shelter. Bring your picnic baskets for a less formal showing of your great vehicles. Check page 9 of the Halfmoon for all details of the “Tour”.
Get your Halfmoon articles in to Tony V. and give him your comments on the new format for the newsletter.
Treasurer Bill B. explained the many expenses exceeding revenues in the past month. The club made a $2,500 contribution in addition to our end of year expenses. The annual financial report is in the Halfmoon.
Toni’s Vintage Report: 20 cars are already preregistered for our premier event, July 11-13. Check the website for the Vintage at Saratoga schedule and plan your weekend around BMW’s.
Closing the business meeting: Look for Bev to summarize what she and Scott found in the BMWCCA archives when they were visiting in the southwest.
Minutes: April Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
Approx. 28 Members present
Meal: Sauer Braten and Kraut with
With Garden Salad
Date: April 8, 2014
President Scott Stowell opened the April meeting. A show of no hands indicated no new BMW’s purchased lately and nobody in transition with their old ride. A sign of contentment.
Bill Burkhardt gave a brief Treasurer’s report – March began with a $7,000 balance and ended with 5,700 – two invoices for the monthly newsletter printing. Reports have been submitted for national matching funds. Donations and volunteer work is matched. Taxes will be reported 5/15.
Everett Mayhew: Speaking of donations; can we look into donating our dinner meeting buffet leftovers to the Foodbank? Scott will look into it.
Driving school report by E.J. and Matt – 46 people are signed up for the May 6 Lime Rock Park school. Watkins Glenn numbers are thin but we expect to fill with help from the Genesee Valley club. October Lime Rock numbers are climbing and Calabogie (7/18 to 20) is open for all interested.
Scott Gold reports that the classified section of the web site is finally cleared up. New officers for 2014 are now posted and Vintage is being updated on the site. Speaking of which, Frank Grepo says that arrangements have been made at the Roosevelt Inn and dinner reservation is open at the Saratoga Auto Museum site. More sponsors are needed – we have a sliding scale as low as $25 and funds will go to Street Survival (last year we reached $2,500). We need personal items for the auction. Frank is working on Pennzoil to maybe set up a big screen movie as part of Vintage. We’re yet to see.
President Scott says that this year’s Concours has evolved into a series of 3 Show and Shines; locally at the Glenn Doone Shelter in John Boyd Thatcher Park, Poughkeepsie on August 23 and Utica on September 20. Details have yet to be worked out for each. There will be no formal judging but people’s choice awards will go to best late model, classic and best of show. Check the website.
Bev – The Wine tour was great and I had to inform some members that the upcoming Flyers Club is not a real club, it is champagne brunch drive and dine to Lake George. No need to be a pilot and you don’t need a jet. It is open to all Patrooners so join us when we rendezvous at the Malta exit on April 27. We head out at 10:30 so get there early.
Additional announcement: the Bavarian Rocket Scientist will have an open house and car clinic on April 26. RSVP at their web site.
Minutes: March Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
33 Members present
Meal: Post-Patty’s Day German Corned Beef
With cabbage, carrots, potatoes & salad
Date: March 19, 2014
President Stowell retakes the pulpit reporting on the BMW National Chapter Congress held in Texas over the previous weekend. As a result of this congress expect more friendly relations between chapters and local BMW dealerships. Look forward to a great write up in the next Halfmoon about Scott and Bev’s experience at the Dallas event. Scott welcomed 2 new members, Joe Geiger (E21 – 323) and Victor, an SCCA fan.
Bill Burkhardt assured us that we had no major expenses in the previous month and a detailed treasurer’s report will be in the next Halfmoon. Speaking of HM, Tony Verrengia reported that the Halfmoon is on its way. The deadline for advertisements and articles for the next issue is April 28. We are looking for more advertisers. Please refer businesses to Tony.
Scott Gold reports that the website has been updated with current driving school information
The Annual Election of Patroon Officers is launched by President Scott as the slate of officers is cited: Scott Stowell as President, Brian Bailey as Vice President, Bill Burkhardt as Treasurer and Bill Dosch as Secretary. The slate goes to a vote after a second by Bill D and nary a nay was heard. Kevin Belden stepped down off the Board of Directors as Frank Greppo filled the spot.
Bruce Kosakoski reported that the Spring driving school at LRP filled quickly and the June Watkins Glenn event has the potential to bring in some Genesee Valley Chapter novices because their event at the end of the week is for intermediate and up. Check the drivers school schedule (Halfmoon) for the Calabogie dates in July, Limerock again in October and also the potential event at Thompsons in Connecticut.
There was more discussion about declining national CCA memberships in the past that are now back on the rise. Increases are attributed to Street Survival, word of mouth and person to person contact. Interesting facts: about one third of membership fees are sent back to the chapter, but 100% of Associate fees come back. Did you know that wagons are making a comeback? They are top-selling models for BMW. Also, the recent member survey reveals that we want more driving events like rallys, drive and dines, etc… That means more events like the Patroon Chapters Flyers Club brunch drive on April 20th and the H.P. driving school on May 10th.
In closing the meeting, Senior member Andy Mair warns all to read the fine print on the (non-Patroon) auto show registrations and be prepared to line out the parts that make you share future liabilities. See you all at the next meeting: April 9 at the German American Club.
January and February Patroon Chapter Monthly Meeting Minutes:
January Meeting: 2014 promises to be a great year for the BMW “X” crowd as the January Meeting is CANCELLED on account of snow.
February Meeting Minutes:
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
No new members at this month’s meeting
Meal: Leftovers at home
Date: January 8, 2014, 6:30PM
Meal: Chicken cutlets, Veal Cutlets, Salad, Kraut and Dessert
Date: February 12, 2014, 6:30PM
Bill Burkhardt, senior officer this month starts the meeting with his own treasurer’s report: January starts with $5,800 and ends with $7,000. Revenue is from approx. $800 per month from membership and Halfmoon advertising brings in the balance. Halfmoon is still being mailed out plus it is available online. Mailing will continue unless members request online only. Member consensus thus far is to continue the hard copy.
Tony Verrengia: Deadline for the Halfmoon B.T.W. is February 27 for articles or advertising. Direct any questions to Tony.
Kevin Belden’s track report: Upcoming High Performance Driving Schools are scheduled for Lime Rock Park on Saturday May 10, two days of Watkins Glen International on June 9 and 10, Calabogie Motorsports Park (along with a BMWCCA Club Race for 3 days July 18 to 20, and back to Lime Rock Park on October 4th. The club is still evaluating the possibility of an event at Thompson Speedway in northeastern Connecticut. There is also a possible joint venture with the Genesee Chapter for an end-of-week Watkins Glen school. Information and Registration is found at the Patroon website.
BB: this year’s Street Survival sessions are tentatively May 17 and September 20. Parents and students are still responding positively, so we are looking for volunteers to help out. Contact Bill Burkhardt. Non-BMW news: The Saratoga Invitational is scheduled for September 17 and “Mustang” is the marque of the show.
Minutes: December Holiday Gathering
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
Holiday Reveler count:
RSVP’s were received for 100 members and guests.
Meal: Holiday Buffet
Date: December 11, 2013
Great food, comraderie, gifts and prizes… The December meeting traditionally is reserved for festivities, recognition for the hard work we have done and a time to be thankful for all the good things accomplished during the previous year. This year we followed that tradition.
After our holiday feast, ex-president Brian Bailey opened the non-business meeting by thanking a number of our faithful sponsors that made donations to the holiday holiday raffle, the staple of every Holiday Gathering; Thanks to Bavarian Rocket Scientist, Bavarian Auto Supply, Ankers Auto Service, Short and Stout Tea Shop and Top Custom Jewelry.
President Stowell recapped all of the wonderful events through the year and thanks were given to all of the directors and coordinators of these activities. Special recognition was given to Frank Greppo for putting the Patroon Chapter on the National calendar by organizing the biggest BMW extravaganza ever seen in this region; a week of special events surrounding this past year’s Vintage at Saratoga.
2013 was a great year. Next year will be better.
Date: November, 2013
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
Member count: 32 Members present including new member Matt and his 135i
Meal: Usual Superb German-American Buffet
Minutes: November Meeting
President Stowell
Newsletter – Tony V announces the November 30 deadline for submittals to the next issue of Halfmoon. The Halfmoon is becoming congested and future Meeting Minutes will be found on the Web site. We are looking for 2014 Advertizers so spread the word.
Driving School – Matt says 2013 was a very successful year for driving school. We had 2 Lime Rock Park days, a great Watkins Glenn school and a 3-day event at Calaboogie in Quebec. For next year we are looking to possibilities at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park in Northeast Connecticut. We are also looking for more volunteers to help out on the grid.
Bev’s Beardsley Castle Report – No ghosts and no goats, but a great drive getting out there and a wonderful dining experience for 22 Patroon members.
In addition, Street Survival was a great joint success for Patroon and SCCA, and the highlight of the month was Vintage at Saratoga. In Brian’s words, it was a world class event – check out the videos on-line, and look forward to a big write-up in an upcoming Roundel. Hats-off to Frank Greppo for the best and biggest show the Club has ever sponsored. That was the last word.
Date: October 9, 2013
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: German-American Club
Member count: Only 18
Meal: Sauerbraten and Spaetzle ,
Chicken Cordon Bleu, Tall Dark Beer
Meeting Minutes
President Stowell –“ Tonight I target a new Patroon Meeting land speed record. Go.
No new members tonight. Halfmoon deadline 10/28 and print 11/6. LRP driving school is over-filled with 15 drivers waiting in the pits. Vintage at Saratoga (October 12-13) entry numbers keep climbing, closing in on a monumental 200 cars.
Beardsley Castle Drive and Dine will be November 3. Connecticut Valley Haunted Picnic on October 19 will have some interesting people showing up, maybe you.
Scott regrets to report the death of 2 Canadian club members killed while returning from the Show and Shine last month. We have a moment of silence.
No new business – 5 minutes and 10 seconds.