Who we are:
We are a non-profit, fun, car club dedicated to the enjoyment and pleasure of driving BMW automobiles. The Chapter is headquartered in Albany, NY. Our region covers upstate NY from Newburgh, north to the Canadian border, west to the Utica area and east to the Western sections of Vermont, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
Postal address
Patroon Chapter BMW CCA, PO Box 3918, Albany, NY 12203
Membership and General Information
Why Join:
There are many membership benefits, but the biggest is that you must be a member in good standing to participate in many of our events.
How to Join:
We are a chapter of the BMW Car Club of America (BMWCCA). The club’s website is www.bmwcca.org.
Join the BMWCCA and identify your local chapter as the Patroon Chapter.
Pricing and all the membership benefits can be found using the previous link.
Your 2022 Patroon BMW Leadership Team:
President: Everett Mayhew
Vice President: Bruce Kosakoski
Treasurer: Nick Shippey
Secretary: *vacant*
Membership Chairperson: *vacant*
Newsletter Editor: *vacant*
Webmaster: *Temporary committee of DJ McArdle, Shaina Bass, EJ Smith*
Driving School Chair: DJ McArdle
Board of Directors: DJ McArdle, Mark Tenzer, Nicholas Crozzili, Nicholas Turner, Phil Shoemaker