Driving School Manual
Important Information About Driving Schools
A. Assumption of Risk
• Performance driving is a hazardous sport. However, the sport can be enjoyed safely despite the risks involved. BMW CCA Driver Schools are conducted on racetracks and even though there are many controls built into the curriculum to promote safety, performance driving at high speed with its inherent risks is an aspect of the event. Therefore, it is important that you consider the physical, financial, and property risks involved prior to participation.
• In order to protect the sport and those who organize events, each participant must sign a waiver form. A copy of this waiver is included for your review. Read it carefully. The waiver form acknowledges the dangers involved and describes the rights that you relinquish.
• The sponsoring Chapter(s) purchases insurance in conjunction with BMW CCA driving events. However, coverage is limited to a focus on bodily injury, disability and medical expenses. Coverage for damage to your vehicle, regardless of circumstances is excluded.
• You should understand the rules that apply to public roads do not apply on the racetrack. The waiver form that you must sign to participate will preclude recovery from another participant or his/her insurance company.
• If you carry collision insurance, your personal automobile insurance coverage may pay for the damage to your vehicle. If in doubt, check with your insurance provider. Please be aware that you must rely on either your personal insurance or your checkbook to pay for any damage sustained in an accident on the track. Also, if your automobile insurance or other policies include coverage for medical expenses, your policy(s) will respond on a primary basis for the cost of an injury. Coverage for medical expenses included in the policy provided to BMW CCA respond in excess of other available insurance. Also be aware that there may be vehicles on the track that are not insured.
• Participants assume all risk of injury and property damage during the event. This includes the times when an Instructor drives your car. Since you assume risk, you should be satisfied with the manner in which the Instructor handles your car. If you are not satisfied with how your Instructor respects your car, promptly contact the Track Steward, School Coordinator or Chief Instructor.
• Drivers are responsible for any additional costs the Chapter(s) incurs due to their conduct on the track and throughout the Facility. The participants are responsible for damage to the track and its facilities arising from abuse or misuse of those facilities. The Chapter(s) will bill participants after the event for charges incurred due to damage to infrastructure, e.g., cleanup of fluids spilled on the track, fire extinguishers, guardrails, etc.
• If these considerations represent a risk beyond an acceptable level for your current personal /financial situation, perhaps you should elect not to participate.
• The timing of laps is not permitted. Timing equipment, if present, cannot be operable. Data acquisition can record but real time displays are not permitted.
B. Run Group and Instructor Assignments
• Each student is assigned an Instructor in the appropriate Run Group with consideration given to his/her track experience in general, Lime Rock Park experiences in particular, and overall skill levels. The Run Groups are organized as follows:
Novice – Red wristband – Car numbers 4xx
Intermediate – White wristband – Car numbers 3xx
Experienced – Yellow wristband – Car numbers 2xx
Advanced – Green wristband – Car numbers 1xx
Instructor – Orange wristband – Car numbers 0xx
Wristbands should be placed on your LEFT wrist in order to easily show it when asked in pit lane. Experienced and Advanced entrants who are signed off by their instructor to solo will receive a special wristband designating this status.
All students will be assigned one instructor for the day. Depending on circumstances, instructor assignment changes during the event may be necessary. In most cases your instructor’s last two digits of car number will match the last two digits of your car number, thus making it easier to identify each other in the paddock or garage.
Students are encouraged to evaluate instructors and provide feedback to the Chapter via DrivingEvals.com. During the event, if you find your Instructor unsatisfactory, please consult with the Chief Instructor.
C. Emergency Telephone Numbers
• Emergency numbers at Lime Rock Park: (860) 435-9126 or (860) 435-9285.
• Emergency number at Watkins Glen is (607) 535-2481
The caller MUST be patient.
D. Helmets
• Participants are required to bring their own helmets. Helmets will not be provided.
• All drivers must wear a helmet that is SNELL rated 2005, 2010, or 2015, SA (recommended) or M at all times while on the track.
• All helmets will be inspected. Helmets should be in good condition and have no visible damage. Helmets must have Snell stickers intact.
E. Apparel
• Driver must wear appropriate attire for driving on a race circuit.
• It is required that all drivers wear long-sleeve cotton shirts or jackets and long pants. NO SHORTS, NO SHORT SLEEVES AND NO SYNTHETICS PERMITTED.
• A light pair of sneakers is good driving footwear. You may want to consider driving shoes. Sandals, cleated shoes, and heavy boots and leather soles are not permitted.
F. Driver Requirements
• Valid Driver License: Drivers must be at least 18 years of age and possess a driver license that is not suspended or revoked. No junior licenses or Learner Permits are accepted.
• BMWCCA Membership: Students must be a current member. We will attempt to verify valid membership via MotorsportReg.com, but if a membership is shown as expired then you will need to show us a valid membership card at the registration table. Students who purchased a membership as part of their event registration are all set.
• Medical Condition: Drivers with any pre-existing medical conditions, who are taking medication(s), or who for any reason are concerned about the degree of stress while driving at speed on a race circuit should consult with their physician prior to the event.
G. Paddock Area
• Pick a parking space. It will be yours all day. First come, first served.
• There are no garages available at Lime Rock Park.
• Garages at Watkins Glen are reserved for instructors, unless the event allows spare garage rentals by students.
• There are no services available other than air. Watkins Glen sometimes has gas pumps open.
• Paddock roads are one-way counter-clockwise with a 5-mph speed limit. THESE RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. VIOLATORS WILL LOSE TRACK TIME OR BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE PREMISES.
H. Pre-Event safety Inspection
• It is the responsibility of each participant to follow the “Pre-Event Safety Inspection” guidelines on the Safety Inspection Checklist form before the date of the event.
• No more than four weeks prior to the event, the vehicle to be used in this event MUST be inspected by a qualified individual to ensure it is in proper condition. The mechanic must use the “Pre-Event Safety Inspection” checklist form.
• You must have a completed and signed original Safety Inspection Checklist form. No refund will be given for lost or incomplete Safety Inspection forms, or for a failed “On-Site Safety Inspection”.
I. On-Site Safety Inspection
• In addition to the participant having the “Pre-Event Safety Inspection” performed, the Chapter will perform an “On-site Safety Inspection” prior to the event. The on-site safety inspection implies no guarantee of suitability of your vehicle for track driving. It is only meant to attempt to confirm that a pre-event safety inspection was performed.
• The equivalent restraint rule will be strictly enforced for any vehicle in which a passenger is carried.
• A failed “On-Site Safety Inspection” does not entitle the participant to a refund. Depending on the issue, an entrant may be allowed to attempt a fix to address the issue solely at the discretion of the Chief of Tech.
K. Car Requirements
• The track is the wrong place to confirm that you have mechanical problems. Thoroughly check out and correct any deficiencies prior to driving on the track. Lost track time due to mechanical problems is your responsibility and you will not be compensated.
Tires and Wheels: Snow and recapped tires are not allowed. Performance tires are permitted. Higher than normal inflation pressure (36-42 psi) is recommended for street tires. This is more accurately measured before you leave for the track while the tires are cold. Cuts, bruises, ply separations, or body rubbing the sidewalls are not allowed. Tires must be H speed rated or higher and must be suitable for expected speeds. Wire wheels will be rejected if they have more than two adjacent loose spokes or more than three total on a wheel loose. Wheels must be free from bends and cracks; hubcaps and trim rings must be removed. All lugs must be in place and torque set to OEM specifications with a torque wrench; recheck tightness before your first Run Group and periodically during the day. Do not tighten lug nuts after a Run Group while the wheels are still hot; they will be over tightened on cooling. Locking lug nuts or bolts must allow for proper tightening.
Brakes: Brakes must be capable of stopping a car in a straight line. Brake fluid reservoir must be full. The brake system must be flushed with fresh brake fluid no more than two (2) months prior to the event. Cars with obviously discolored brake fluid in the reservoir will automatically fail safety inspection and not be allowed on the track. Do not use brake pads worn thinner than the thickness of the backing plate.
Suspension: Suspension must be suitable for high speed cornering and handling. Loose, soft, or broken springs or sloppy ball joints are grounds for rejection of the car. Steering gear and linkage should have minimal play. Wheel bearings must have minimal play. Subframe mounts should be checked.
Engine Compartment: Engine Compartment should be clean with no oil, water or fuel leaks. No worn hoses or lines will be allowed and all must be properly clamped. All wires must be connected and not frayed. Fan belts should be in good condition. Exhaust systems must be firmly mounted. Radiator must have coolant overflow control.
Windows, Doors, Sunroof, Window-Nets: Driver and passenger side windows must be completely down while on the track. Door locks must be unlocked. Sunroof must be closed and latched. Window nets must be rolled up or removed.
Window Tinting: Excessively dark (usually aftermarket) window tinting that reduces visibility will not be permitted.
Open Wheel Cars: No open wheel cars are permitted.
Convertible and Cabriolet Cars: Must have a full roll cage per the SCCA General Competition Rules for Open-Top Cars. 5 or 6 point harnesses and arm restraints are required for the driver and the passenger. Arm restraints recommended, required for no roof (roll cage only).
Arm Restraints: Arm restraints are required for all Drivers and passengers in TARGA type vehicles, convertibles and cabriolets.
Noise Restrictions at Lime Rock Park: All vehicles on the track must be equipped with an appropriate muffler and comply with the local regulations. This is a muffled event, the track controls the sound level limits. The track on-site representative will be the sole and final judge of any vehicle’s compliance with the regulations. Any vehicle found to be violating the sound level limits will not be allowed to operate on the track grounds.
Seatbelts: Equivalent restraints must be provided for driver and passenger. Factory seatbelts and 5 or 6 point harnesses with anti-submarine belts are permitted. 4 point harnesses are permitted on the driver and passenger sides, if factory seatbelts are also available for use on the driver and passenger sides, at the Instructor’s discretion. All types must use metal to metal buckles, be in sound condition and must be mounted using the factory mounting points and/or be mounted per the SCCA General Competition Rules.
Seats: Must be in sound condition and securely mounted. Equivalent seats are recommended for driver and passenger.
Cameras: Must be metal on metal bracketed to the vehicle. Suction cup mounts are not permitted.
K. Arrival at the Track
• When you arrive at the track entrance, and again at registration, each person will be required to sign a release form; one representing the track and one representing Patroon Chapter.
• Go directly to the paddock area and completely unload your vehicle. It is a good idea to bring a tarp or piece of plastic to cover your belongings in case of inclement weather. There can be no loose objects in the trunk, glove box or passenger compartments.
• Proceed IMMEDIATELY to the TECH Inspection in the pit area BEFORE attempting to visit Registration. (Tech Inspection may be available the night before the event. Check your confirmation letter.) Make sure to bring both your helmet and your completed Tech Form with your car to Tech. After completion of Tech Inspection go to the Registration area with your stamped Tech Form and drivers license. We will not hold up the event for any individual who is unable to arrive on time for any reason. There is very little time to complete Tech Inspection and Registration before the event, so BE ON TIME.
• ABSOLUTELY NO JOY RIDERS! Only school Instructors are allowed to ride with students or take a passenger on the track.
• Visitors/Guests: Any visitor or guest needs to sign the BMWCCA Waiver. At Watkins Glen, you will need to provide the name(s) of any guest prior to the event so they can be given to Watkins Glen track staff.
• Drivers Meeting: All participants are required to attend the Drivers Meeting/Safety Orientation Session prior to the start of the event. The drivers’ meeting typically takes place at the base of the tower (Lime Rock) or near the garage classroom (Watkins Glen). Instructors will be introduced to students at the end of the drivers’ meeting to make it easier for you to find each other prior to the start of the event.
• Instructors Meeting: The Chief Instructor will hold a brief meeting with the Instructor Corps to review the day’s objectives and make any special announcements. All Instructors are required to attend. You will be introduced to students at the end of their drivers’ meeting.
• Classroom Session: Both the Novice/RED and Intermediate/WHITE Run groups will be scheduled for a classroom session. There may be an optional classroom session for the Experienced/YELLOW and Advanced/GREEN Run Groups. The exact time and location will be included in the detailed schedule in the registration packet.
L. Registration Packet
On the day of the event, you will receive a registration packet, which will contain the following information:
Run Group Assignment
Instructor Assignment
Event Schedule (includes times on track and required classroom attendance)
Flags and Flagging Rules
School and Track Safety Rules
Track Map – Map of Course
Car Numbers and Instructions for Application to Vehicle
Passing Areas
Pit Procedures
Event Critique Form (sample only – you’ll receive an email after the event from DrivingEvals.com to give feedback on your student/instructor and the event itself)