Lime Rock Park
Lime Rock Park Website
60 White Hollow Rd
Lakeville, CT 06039
Emergency numbers at Lime Rock Park: (860) 435-9126 or (860) 435-9285.
7 Turns 1.53 Miles
Event Sound Limit is 87dB see below.
Track Map with Flagger Stations
Turn by Turn Explanation
Bill Auberlen Commentary Track Video
On Track Amenities: Air, Food, Souvenir Shop.
Registration at
Area Hotels
Wake Robin Inn (860) 435-2000
Interlaken Inn (800) 222-2909
Inn at Iron Masters (860) 435-9844
Plan Your Visit to Lime Rock Park – Lime Rock Park
A word about Sound Limits:
Sound is measured about 50’ away from the car perpendicular to it at a height of about 4’. We normally take this reading on the front straight around the start/finish line so we catch the cars at their highest sustained RPM reading on the track. The reading is taken as the car passes by and unless you are in the 90 dB range on the first pass we give you at least three passes before we call you in.
You can run a static test on your car by standing behind the car 50’ with a meter and revving the motor to within 1000 RPM of redline. This will give you a rough idea what the highest level will be on the track.